Open source Android application that utilizes LPP API to display public transport related information. It was started by two ambitious developers learning how to develop Android applications. The project was initially called LppTransit and it's whole idea was to give users the ability to see live bus location on the map, to get better understanding of the live arrival predictions available on bus stations.
The project's UI/UX was never formally defined. It's entire development was ad hoc, implementing features seen on other existing popular LPP Android apps while still trying to improve on said features.
Travana was developed in 2019. The codebase is a bit messy but managable and more importantly, it's stable. There should be slow rolling updates to add Kotlin to the project and update the colors to match the new icon. UX should stay the exact same and new features are not welcome. This is a complete project and it will stay that way.
If you find a bug you can report it on Github or even make a pull request with the fix. Treat this project as complete and avoid making pull requests with new features, since I probably will not accept them. Try to make application more error prone to LPP servers chrashing instead.
Where can I get it?
Travana is available on Google Play and App Store